Hors d'oeuvres # 009
Arithmetically Speaking: Are There Billionaires in the United States of America?
Of course not!
- Arithmetic: [ǝ-rith’mǝ-tik] n. The art of computation, the most elementary branch of mathematics (The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, 1995, p, 46).
- Million: [mil’yǝn] n. 1,000 times 1,000: 1,000,000.
- Millionaire: [mi’yǝ-nāir’] n. A person worth 1,000,000 dollars, pounds, etc. Avery rich person (The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, 1995, p, 433).
- Billion: [bil-yǝn] n. A million millions (The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, 1995, p, 75).
Arithmetically speaking:1,000,000,000,000
- Trillion: [tril’yǝn] n & adj. The cardinal number represented by 1 followed by eighteen zeros ? (The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, 1995, p. 697). This last definition is arithmetically incorrect. It should be defined as: A cardinal number followed by twenty-four zeros.
Arithmetically speaking: 1,000,000,000,000.000,000,000,000